DAF in Action - Summer 2018

This special issue celebrates 90 years of DAF Excellence.
It shows the history and heritage of DAF and also gives a hint of future developments

DAF new truck in 1952 factory

DAF Trucks - 90 years of innovative transport solutions

On 1 April 1928 Hub van Doorne set up a small construction workshop in Eindhoven, theNetherlands. From these very modest beginnings, DAF eventually developed into a leading globaltruck manufacturer with a firm focus on innovation, quality and transport efficiency.

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Urban distribution in 2050: Back to the future

Bart van Lotringen paints a quick picture of the various developments currently at play.

DAF Innovation Trucks

On the road to even cleaner road transport

In addition to the usual focus areas in the truck industry - such as reliability, fuel economy, driver comfort and cost per kilometer - there are two major social themes that drive the development of future technologies: the worldwide reduction of CO₂ and the improvement of the air quality, especially in urban areas.

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