DAF Trucks is looking for the best truck driver
The search for the International DAF Driver Champion has started
Who is the best truck driver? In Europe – and beyond? The DAF Driver Challenge 2019 will determine this over the coming months. The competition, which is being held across 30 countries, will culminate in a spectacular international final this September, to determine which driver deserves to be crowned ‘International DAF Driver Champion 2019’.
An excellent driver boosts the performance of a truck to its max. He or she knows how to get maximum performance from every drop of fuel. How to transport freight safely and on time during the rush hour. And how to keep a vehicle in top condition. At the same time, a good driver understands legislation like the back of his or her hand, takes load security in their stride and adapts easily to all weathers and every type of truck. In other words: an excellent trucker, is a real crafts(wo)man.
Distinguishing factor
The DAF Driver Challenge consists of three stages. It starts with a subscription, in which the driver needs to introduce him- or herself and explain why he or she is a worthy contender. Drivers can apply via drivers.daf.com. As with every craftsperson, dedication, skill and passion are the distinguishing factors.
International Final
Only the best of the best will be invited to compete in nationwide competitions, held in the coming months all over Europe and beyond. Semi-finals will determine which 16 best of the 30 national champions will participate in the International Final. That final takes place September 28th and 29th at the impressive Goodyear proving ground in Luxembourg.
A contest for every trucker
As DAF in looking for the very best driver, participation in the DAF Driver Challenge is – of course – open for all drivers, regardless of the truck brand he or she normally drives.
‘Great drivers that make great trucks’
Richard Zink, Director Marketing and Sales and Member of the Board of Management of DAF Trucks: “Already for decades, we build trucks that offer market leading driver comfort and feature a wide range of vehicle technologies designed to support drivers every day. However, it’s the driver that unlocks a vehicle’s true potential. So, we challenge all drivers to demonstrate their excellent driving skills behind the wheel of our excellent vehicles.”
Press Contact details:
Rutger KerstiensCorporate Communications Department
T: +31 (0)40 214 4191
M: rutger.kerstiens@daftrucks.com