
Care for employees in the value chain


It takes a team to get a best-in-class truck out on the road. DAF cares for the entire team, from its suppliers’ employees to dealers’ technicians and sales people, to the customers’ drivers.


Supplier working conditions

As part of our aim to achieve ethical and sustainable business practices, DAF expects its suppliers to give priority to good working conditions.

We expect suppliers to use the highest ethical business standards in conducting all aspects of their operations. This means suppliers are expected to:

a. refrain from any form of discrimination within their company or with regard to their subcontractors;
b. ensure the safety of their personnel and third parties;
c. only engage employees in line with applicable laws and regulations;
d. refrain from using child labor or any other form of forced or compulsory labor in accordance with the International Labor Organization’s standards.

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Training drivers & dealer employees

The DAF Academy works with partners across Europe to deliver online and in-person training to DAF dealers, their salespeople and technicians, as well as DAF HQ staff and customers’ drivers. Drivers learn how to drive safely and in the most fuel-efficient way, supporting the lowest possible environmental impact.

The DAF Academy also supports salespeople in configuring trucks in the most environmentally-friendly way, shows drivers how to optimize ergonomics, and instructs mechanics in handling and storing fluids correctly, avoiding spillage.

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Dealer working conditions

Care for the dealers’ employees is set out in the DAF Dealer Standards. The dealers’ premises must be clean and tidy, with lighting that ensures security and safety. Workshops are required to have adequate lighting in line with legal requirements, and one person is designated responsible for the safety of technicians working on battery electric vehicles (BEV). All staff facilities have to be clean and well-maintained. Dealers are required to have a training room for staff, with internet, as well as a professionally designed retention program. Overall, the workplace has to support the social, psychological and physical well-being of staff.

Driver comfort

Major improvements in driver ergonomics

Comfort and good ergonomics are vital for a healthy life as a truck driver. Ahead of other manufacturers, DAF has implemented new EU regulations on truck dimensions to increase the length of the cab in its New Generation DAF vehicles. This gives drivers more room to adjust the seat and sit comfortably. The steering wheel has an impressively large adjustment range and angle to make the driving position perfect for each individual driver.


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