Goedgekeurde koelvloeistoffen
Koelvloeistof specificaties
Het koelsysteem moet gevuld worden met een kant-en-klare koelvloeistof dat al antivries en anticorrosie toevoegingen bevat.
Achter de grille is een sticker aangebracht met informatie over de toegepaste koelvloeistof.
Goedgekeurde koelvloeistoffen
de onderstaande tabel staan de leveranciers die op dit moment voldoen aan DAF-specificatie 74002; de beschikbare mengsels zijn 40% glycol en 60% water, en 50% glycol en 50% water.
Het koelsysteem mag niet worden gevuld met andere dan de in dit overzicht vermelde koelvloeistoffen.

Brand name | Supplier |
DAF Xtreme Longlife Coolant | DAF Trucks N.V. |
TRP Long Life Coolant | DAF Trucks N.V. |
Havoline XLC | Arteco |
DELO XLC Antifreeze / Coolant | Chevron / Texaco |
Havoline Xtended Life Coolant | Chevron / Texaco |
Caltex Extended Life Coolant | Caltex |
Glacelf Auto Supra | Total |
Coolelf Auto Supra | Total |
NIS a.d. Novi Sad | Nisotec Antifriz Long Life 100 |
Maxigel Plus/Ultracooling Plus | Renault Truck Oils |
BP Procool | BP |
Castrol Radicool SF Premix | Castrol |
Castrol Radicool SF | Castrol |
Inugel Optimal/Inugel Optimal Ultra | Motul |
Yacco LR Organique | Yacco |
Petrol Antifriz Koncentrat | Petrol |
Petrygo Plus G12+ | Orlen Oil Sp. Z o.o. |
Petrygo Plus G12+ Koncentrat | Orlen Oil Sp. Z o.o. |
Protex Long Life/Coolmix LL | Orvema |
Protex Long Life | Orvema |
Coolmix LL -38 | Orvema |
Technocooling SMB |
SMB Auto |
York 718 | York SAS |
Coolant Maxmaster Truckcool | Platinum Oil Wielkopolskie Centrum Dystrybucji |
OPET FUCHS Madeni Yağ A.Ş. |
Maintain Fricofin LL | Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GMBH |
Fricofin LL 50/50 | Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GMBH |
Coolant concentrate Maxmaster Redcool | Platinum Oil Wielkopolskie Centrum Dystrybucji |
Glysantin G 30-91 | BASF |
Polar Premium Longlife Antifreeze | Telko |
Zero Longlife Antifreeze | Telko |
Kuehlerfrostschutz KFS 12 Plus | LIQUI MOLY |
Kuehlerfrostschutz KFS 2001 Plus | LIQUI MOLY |
PrixMax MEG95 | PrixMax Australia Pty Ltd. |
Langzeit-Kuehlerfrostschutz GTL 12 Plus | LIQUI MOLY |
Coolant Ready Mix RAF 12 Plus | LIQUI MOLY |
Repsol Guard Refrigerante Organico MQ | Repsol lubricantes y especialidades, S.A. |
Shell Engine Coolant Longlife | Kemetyl Group Ltd |
Shell Premium Antifreeze Longlife | Kemetyl Group Ltd |
Kemetyl Glycocool Longlife Antifreeze 774 D-F | Kemetyl Group Ltd |
Kemetyl Carix Premium Longlife | Kemetyl Group Ltd |
Sheron Antifreeze Maxi D | DF Partner s.r.o. |
EVOX Premium Concentrate | MOL-LUB Kft |
Glixol Extra Long Life |
Organika CAR S.A. |
Glixol Extra Long Life -37 | Organika CAR S.A. |
Glixol G12+ Long Life | Organika CAR S.A.. |
Glixol G12+ Long Life-37 |
Organika CAR S.A.. |
Glixol Long Life G12/12+ | Organika CAR S.A. |
Glixol Long Life G12/12+ | Organika CAR S.A. |
AVIATICON Finkofreeze F30 |
Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH |
AntiFreeze SP12 | Kroon Oil (NL) |
AntiFreeze SF12+ 100 | Gazpromneft |
Coolant SP12 |
Kroon Oil (NL) |
Coolant Longlife G12+ | Shell |
Protex3 | Pro Parts Production SRL |
Antifreeze LL Premixed | Q8 |
Note: For all vehicle series with an XE, PE, MX, PR, MX-11 or MX-13 engine and intarder or arctic package, coolants with a mixture of 50% glycol and 50% water must be used.